The Lake Merritt Boathouse was designed by noted architect John Galen Howard shortly after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and construction was completed in 1909. The building was originally designed as a high-pressure salt water pumping station and municipal boathouse for the City of Oakland. Over the next one hundred years it had a variety of uses including a restaurant and city offices. After falling into disrepair the Boathouse received Measure DD Bond funds for rehabilitation. As part of the Lake Merritt Master Plan, murakami/Nelson recommended renovating the building and reintroducing its historic activities. The rehabilitation and adaptive re-use of the Municipal Boathouse conforms to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Historic Rehabilitation and is a LEED certified gold project.

155 Filbert Street Suite 250 Oakland, California 94607 phone: 510.444.7959 fax: 510.893.5244