The Lake Merritt Park Master Plan prepared by WRT and murakami/Nelson recommended treating park architectural elements in a more consistent manner. murakami/Nelson developed design standards for accessory park buildings as part of the subsequent Lake Merritt Boathouse and Shoreline Park project. This effort expanded beyond Lake Merritt to include accessory buildings in other Oakland parks. Projects following these precepts include a Recycling Center on Lakeside Drive for the Lake Chalet restaurant, a restroom facility near the amphitheater on 12th Street, a restroom in Dimond Park and a restroom and fish cleaning station adjacent to Lake Merritt channel’s Embarcadero Bridge. Each of these accessory buildings make use of a consistent vocabulary - architectural steel and concrete, stainless steel mesh and a sloping metal roof – to achieve timeless buildings that are well suited for public use.

155 Filbert Street Suite 250 Oakland, California 94607 phone: 510.444.7959 fax: 510.893.5244